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Areca is a strong regional color products, in Xiangtan has more than 300 years of history. Modern areca industry is from the beginning of 90s packaging production began to develop, mainly in Hunan, areca's core consumer movement, the formation of a nationwide consumption patterns.
Hunan's areca market has been growing at a rate of more than 40% faster, the last two years by the impact of the growth of the big wave of a slight slowdown in the growth rate, but the growth rate is also maintained at around 20% in. At present, the Hunan regional market development space is very large, consumer groups are expanding, up to seventy years old to Rattus children, without chewing. Each brand in the rural market opportunities, the future development of considerable space. Coupled with the immeasurable market prospects of other provinces, the future prospects of the market will be a good.